We agree with our clients that nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of their employees and associates.
That’s why we now offer the services of one of North Carolina’s leading safety and health consultants. Tom Hayes, former Bureau Chief of Compliance (Eastern Region) for the North Carolina Department of Labor provides comprehensive evaluation, implementation and training for virtually every safety-related issue your business may encounter.
Reducing and managing risk is just one benefit of this service. TriSure can also provide expert analysis and support in the case of an accident or near miss—ensuring that you have a thorough documentation to meet the most demanding OSHA investigation. TriSure can also offer support to clients during compliance and regulatory inspections and hearings.
Of course, much of our focus lies in helping you prevent accidents and improve safety in the first place. We can provide comprehensive OSHA audits and inspections, custom training, and program development and implementation.
We want to help keep your workforce and your workplace safe and healthy. Not just because it’s the right thing to do. Because by doing so we can also keep your balance sheet healthy too. Implementing proven safety measures can help lower premiums and reduce reserve requirements.
For more information about our safety and health consulting services, please contact us.